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[ LatheCity ]
(C) 2012, LatheCity |
Our customers are mostly hobbyists using our tools as components for their own projects. Therefore, we offer machinable end taper which are hard to make without specialty equipment.
[ safety ] [ safety booklet ]-PDF |
We cut machine taper on a small CNC lathe. That results in a perfect fit and better centricity. If the size is not too large we can also make unusual sizes without necessarily having a test arbor at hand. Standard sizes are usually in stock, specialty stuff can be made within 1-5 days depending on work load. Given here is a small selection. [ contact ] We did not mount payment buttons for all parts we have in stock. So, send us an e-mail and we can e-mail a quote/PayPal invoice. |
Standards sizes $10-$20
Specialty stuff $30-$60 |
Custom sizes.
If you don't find here what you are looking for contact us. There is a good chance that we can make it for you at an OK price. [ custom designs ] |